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Welcome to our first Cyber Monday offer to our clients and patrons! 

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We look back at this last year and seen some painful lessons learned by many of our friends. We have never ever seen Cyber security issues at this level and it looks like it will get worse. Hacked accounts are becoming more and more prevalent. It’s not just a Facebook, Twitter or Snapchat accounts. Bank accounts, medical records and the liking are becoming dangerously easy to access too

These hacked accounts are usually due to using easily hackable passwords. Using your girlfriend’s name spelled backwards is not a secured password. Using the same password for all your accounts is allowing all your accounts to be hacked all at once. So how are you going to create highly encrypted passwords for all your accounts and remember them all? 

This is  why we’re offering a FREE trial of RoboForm 

Roboform is the Internet’s most used password management system.

Use RoboForm to create highly encrypted passwords for all your internet accounts, manage them from your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone. 

Multiple award winning. Incredibly safe & secure. Easy to use. Most important: peace of mind.

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Try RoboForm for FREE and see for yourself why it’s the most used password management system onthe net…

Have a WONDERFUL Holiday Season!
From the Staff at PrimeConcepts


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