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Tech Talk Episode #111 - What Is Net Neutrality & Why You Should be VERY Concerned About it?
This is Episode #111 of Tech Talk with Dan Harley. I talk about Net Neutrality. How the FCC is trying to dismantle it. Who benefits from ending Net Neutrality. Why that’s a bad thing. Also information on how to contact your congressperson to voice your opinion about Net Neutrality.

Neutrality is a term that should be known by people, especially to those who are using the internet. Neutrality can make the internet as a public utility where those who called themselves providers would charge not how it is used, but you are charged on its uses. Here is some explanation about what neutrality is and why should we need to be concerned about it.

What I want to discuss is about neutrality on the Internet and how this can affect the way you use it. Neutrality can be felt everywhere. It is the sense of having the equality of using the same thing with the other people. Just like the internet, everyone has access to using it. Every website is equal even if the other is small and the other is big.

When you visit a small website, you may get the same as what you can see from other more prominent sites such as Facebook and Google. However, an individual act was passed so that the Internet would be a simple one utility which is controlled by the ISP. This would undoubtedly give you the freedom of accessing the Internet.

However, the ISP will charge you on the way you are using it. You would be charged when you use other features of it such as Netflix and other stuff. The ISP is the who can benefit from it. You need to understand neutrality because once this scrapes off, the more ISP will be dominant.


When you know more about Neutrality chances will be knowing what could be the ways on how you will able to see the power of ISP. Since the Republicans are the one who is pushing the banning of neutrality.  Because of the company that is behind the ISP does want it to go away so that they can still earn more and many consumers, like us, is very much affected.

Useful YouTube Videos Concerning Net Neutrality: 
Information Covering Net Neutrality
Contact Your Congressman: 
Submit Your Opinion To The FCC: 
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